A Stroll Down Seaboard Street

A Stroll Down Seaboard Street

Murals & Windows

 Tallahassee, FL, 32301

By Joseph Cowdrey

Est. October, 2022


Cowdrey was recently given a unique opportunity to create a mural commemorating the Seaboard and Stearns-Mosley neighborhoods, an area that experienced a significant change in the last 50 years. Located on the Southside of Tallahassee, these African American neighborhoods were once vibrant and thriving. Now, little remains of the area so many called home.

The Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency’s History and Culture Trail (HCT) project seeks to recognize and honor the historical contributions and cultural impact of the communities adjacent to the FAMU Way Corridor, an east-west roadway from South Monroe Street to Lake Bradford Road. In partnership with the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency, COCA sought public art proposals that celebrate the rich history and culture of the areas surrounding the Capital Cascades Trail and FAMU Way Extension projects.

You can find more information about the project here.


Location Info

Tallahassee, FL, 32301