Education Policies and Eligibility

Education Policies and Eligibility


Free listings are available to artists, cultural organizations, or businesses that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Programs primarily based in one of the following disciplines: visual arts (i.e. painting, sculpture, crafts, photography), performing arts (i.e. theatre, music, dance), literary arts (i.e. creative writing, poetry, storytelling), history/heritage/heritage (including folk arts), media arts (i.e. film, video), or multiple disciplines.
  • Programs that are open to the general public and based in Tallahassee or the immediate surrounding area (within 100 miles).
  • School-based programs that occur during the traditional school day, whether on or off school grounds.
  • Programs that occur outside of the K-12 school day, including after-school, weekend, individual lessons, camps and birthday parties.
  • Programs must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, including but not limited to those that bar discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, or disabilities.


Please note that programs meeting these minimum eligibility standards are not automatically qualified for approval. Inclusion is contingent upon a review.