Teachable Works

Teachable Works

Public art provides an intersection between our history, our present and our future; between disciplines; and between ideas.

Public Art heightens our awareness and may focus on social and civic questions, advocating for alternative perspectives that can challenge assumptions. This is what we strive for in any classroom setting and learning environment.

COCA’s Outdoor Public Art Directory & Map

As a complement to COCA’s Outdoor Public Art Directory and Map, we offer specially designed educational resources highlighting our community’s public artworks. We’ve identified several “Teachable Works” which are especially well suited to the classroom setting.

You’ll find lesson plans that align with state standards in a variety of subject areas including language arts, math, science, social studies, as well as the arts. Feel free to adapt and build upon these ideas for your own classroom. If you’d like to share a lesson you’ve created that features our local public artwork, please email Amanda@TallahasseeArts.org.

Special thanks to Emma Harmon for her work in developing the Gaines Street Tree Wall cross-curricular unit of study.

Click here to download the educational materials aligned with this artwork.