Feb 17 2018
Waging Peace at the Plant Workshop Series: Body Histories for Peace

Waging Peace at the Plant Workshop Series: Body Histories for Peace

Presented by The Plant at The Plant

Hosted by artist Sarah Tso.  Sarah moved to Tallahassee 16 years ago to attend school and stayed.  She has a Master's in Social Work. As an eclectic artist and a naturalist, she uses art as a means for healing in her work as a counselor.


Workshop description:  How can we cultivate peace in these modern times? We can start by understanding our own and others’ stories. Understanding the stories of others allows us to develop empathy for one another, even those we view as different from us. One way to explore and present our stories is to create body maps, a visual history of our own experiences and how they have shaped us. The end product will be a montage of body maps reflecting a visual representation of our individual and collective histories.  Following an introduction of the topic, participants, and discussion, we will work together to trace our bodies.  We will fill our silhouettes with images, words, and important aspects of ourselves and then process “what story does your body map tell,” working to listen and reflect with each other.  Our maps will then be turned into 3-d forms for the May exhibition.


Admission Info

This event is free and part of a larger, voluntary, community project involving the Museum of Fine Art, local schools, and other community art spaces.   All those involved in Waging Peace at the Plant are donating their time, ideas, resources, and materials.  As such,  The Plant and the participating artists invite donations during each event.  For artist materials list or questions about donating, please contact Jennifer Hamrock at theplant.tally@gmail.com

Email: theplant.tally@gmail.com

Dates & Times

2018/02/17 - 2018/02/17

Additional time info:

The time frame of the event allows for introduction, collaboration in tracing bodies, visually mapping our silhouettes, and processing what our maps tell.  

Location Info

The Plant

517 W. Gaines St, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Parking Info

Gaines St. area