Aug 05 - 27 2016
Background | Noise: A Solo Exhibition by Jillian Marie Browning

Background | Noise: A Solo Exhibition by Jillian Marie Browning

at Unknown

Background Noise

Artist: Jillian Marie Browning
Guest Curator: Brittany M Watkins

Browning's Artist Statement and Description:

Background | Noise is a culmination of works chronicling my personal experiences as a black woman living in the south. Through the use of video performance, multi-media sculpture,
photographic imagery, and spatially engaging installations, I explore the concept of feminine identity through the lens of the contemporary black experience. My work often deals with the intersection of feminism and race, and how the two are constructed through the investigation of social, familial, and gender roles. Additionally, my work considers the way in which personal identity is assembled through one’s body image and racial identity.
These are not isolated experiences; they are perpetual and omnipresent. Microaggressions based on skin-color, body type, and expectations of gender conformity are things that women of color living in the south experience on a daily basis. I/we endure such abuse so often that it becomes background noise. It is through this exhibition that I aim to confront these issues.



Please join us as Jillian's work intersects politics, gender, race and relevant issues in a throught-provoking manner. Her experience is eloquetly displayed to spark important discussions that are happening in our contemporary setting as well as daily life. Background Noise is the investigation of the 'politely' ignored through the use of several visual medium. SOUP is very excited to have Jillian exhibiting for the month of August, and we look forward to hearing more about her vision over the coming weeks.

Also, a special thank you to Brittany M Watkins for guest curating August's exhibition.

Dates & Times

2016/08/05 - 2016/08/27

Additional time info:

Opening reception: August 5th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Closing reception: August 27th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location Info