Writers: Submit Your Short Fiction or Nonfiction to Midtown Reader's Story Slam Contest!

Writers: Submit Your Short Fiction or Nonfiction to Midtown Reader's Story Slam Contest!

Posted by Midtown Reader

Posted: Apr, 27, 2017

Call for Writers - Volunteer Opportunity

Website: http://midtownreader.com


 1123 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL, Unknown

Midtown Reader's Story Slam series is an opportunity for local writers to share their work with our community of Tallahassee writers and readers. Writers should send in 600 words or less on the theme by September 22, 2021 to be considered to read at the event.
The theme for September is: “Return”!
This year we are thrilled to welcome Bridget Adams as our new Story Slam judge and emcee. Bridget is a fiction writer and Creative Writing Instructor. Her work has been published in The Sun, Willow Springs, Hobart, Hayden's Ferry Review, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from Bowling Green State University, where she was the winner of a Devine Fellowship and Fiction Editor at Mid-American Review. She is currently a PhD student at Florida State University.
WRITERS: Please use the following criteria for all submissions:
*Times New Roman/12 pt font/1”margins/double-spaced
*600 words or less
*Fiction or Nonfiction
*Due Wed, Sep 22 by 6pm
*Pieces should fit with the theme of "Return"
*If selected, must be available to read in-store the evening of Wed, Sep 29th
*Name should not appear anywhere on the submission itself
*Please include a brief cover letter within the email
*Send your submission to katie@midtownreader.com