Tallahassee LGBTQ+ Resource Guide Application

Tallahassee LGBTQ+ Resource Guide Application

Website: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKUKXR66lRJdnfOP1GXcipCYq1XkBV7-aILZobki9RE_M3oQ/viewform


 Tallahassee, FL, Unknown

For years now Tallahassee has been in need of a comprehensive LGBTQ+ resource guide, one that is vetted and labored by people of the community. Capital Tea has held a monthly LGBTQ+ resource meeting where local LGBTQ+ groups and advocates have worked to develop a process that ensures this guide will meet our needs locally.

We are now ready to begin collecting information to fill the resource guide!  We invite you to fill out the application by following this LINK. We ask that you please complete the application by September 14th, 2021.

Who should fill this out?
This application is meant for any retail, restaurant, social service, mental health counselor, realtor, dentist, doctor, vet, entertainment space, legal, and every service that falls in between. We invite business owners and EDs to complete this application and we also wholeheartedly invite folks who work in these spaces as direct care, supervisors, front line, and volunteers to fill this out.

Huge shout out to the individuals who labored alongside us. Including but not limited to the Florida State University College of Medicine Center for Translational Behavioral Science, TransParent, PFLAG. We hope to share with you a list of other folks and groups who joined in for the collective goal of ensuring LGBTQ+ folks in our community have access to safe and affirming spaces!

Please feel free to share this with others in the Tallahassee area.
Shareable link below