Sunspot Literary Journal

Sunspot Literary Journal


 N/A, N/A, Unknown

Sunspot Literary Journal offers an Editor's Prize of $35 for each digital edition (four times per year), and an Editor's Prize of $50 for the annual print edition (published once per year). Artwork selected for a digital or print cover will be paid $20. Visit to download digital editions for free.

We welcome prose from flash fiction and poetry to stories and essays, including scripts and screenplays, up to 49,000 words. Genre categories are accepted along with literary works. Poetry can be up to 1,250 lines. Translations welcome. Please note the word count in your cover letter.

One piece per prose submission (except poetry). Use the correct form according to the length of your prose and poetry. Works longer than allowed by the form used will be declined unread.

Artists can submit one or two items using different forms.

The Fast Flux options offer a one-week turnaround for prose and art. Poets receive a two-week turnaround, with most responses being sent within one week.

All submissions must be unpublished (except on a personal blog). Simultaneous submissions welcome. Submit as many times as you like.

Scroll to the bottom to order print copies of the 2020 or 2021 edition, or to leave a tip to keep art alive.