Freelancers Relief Fund: Theatre Designers

Freelancers Relief Fund: Theatre Designers


 N/A, N/A, N/A

The Freelancers Relief Fund online application portal will go live Monday, December 7th, 2020 2:00pm EST and will go offline once 100 applications are received OR by Friday, December 11th, 2020 5:00pm EST, whichever comes first.

More information available here.

Theatre Communications Group (TCG) and TheFrontOffice have partnered to create the Freelancers Relief Fund: Theatre Designers providing a limited number of rapid response grants of $1,000 each for scenic, lighting, costume, sound and projection designers who have had theatre employment within January 2019 - March 2020.

While the long-term impact of the pandemic on arts and culture is unknown, it will likely be a negative one. In the meantime, emergency relief efforts are essential. This round of the program focuses on Theatre Designers; support for freelancers in other disciplines will be considered if additional funds become available in the future. Theatre Designers in either of the following categories are able to apply, however priority will be given to those with Critical Needs:

  • Critical Needs: Theatre Designers who do not have access to employment in any sector, unemployment insurance/benefits, family support or other emergency relief and who have no or minimal access to essential life needs (food, housing, medicine and caretaking).
  • Financial Hardship: Theatre freelancers who are only able to meet essential life needs for 3 months or less and have limited sources of income, such as unemployment insurance/benefits.

An info session webinar with TCG program staff will be offered on December 1st, 2020 2:00pm EST to provide an opportunity for applicants to ask questions about eligibility and the application process. The webinar will be recorded and available as a resource on the TCG Circle, the online community for the theatre field. In addition, questions may be sent to Josh Smalley, TCG’s Artistic and International Programs Associate, at