Call to Artists: UFASB Institute of Black Culture

Call to Artists: UFASB Institute of Black Culture


 UF ASB 619 Institute of Black Culture (IBC), Gainesville, FL, 32611

Deadline: rolling acceptance; first anticipated review in early January 2021

Art budget is $20,000

Honorarium: Up to 3 finalists (artist or artist teams) will receive an honorarium in an amount to be determined.  The honorarium is for the creation and presentation of the site-specific proposal as well as participation in the virtual site visit allowing for student engagement. The honorarium amount is separate from the listed art budget.

Timeline: This project is being advertised on a rolling timeline.  However, the committee intends to make the first round of applicant reviews in early 2021.

Criteria to Apply: Artist has met at least two (2) of the following:

  1. the artist's works are included in private, public, corporate or museum collections;
  2. the artist has received awards, grants or fellowships;
  3. the artist has completed other public commissions on a similar scale;
  4. the artist has participated in exhibitions at major museums or galleries.

Required Application Materials:

Statement of Intent - Briefly explain your interest in this project, your affiliation with the culture of the IBC, and how submitted images may relate to this project.
Resume - A current professional resume or CV emphasizing above mentioned criteria.
Images - no more than 20 digital images.  The first five images will be seen in the initial blind review.  Only artwork with sound or motion may be submitted as video or audio file. Up to 6 video or audio files may be submitted and each file counts as an “image” in the 20 allowable.

Sites for Art: 

The sites for art are the 1st and 2nd story curved “Beacon” walls and curved window wall.  All appropriate media will be considered.  Both abstract and representational art will be equally considered.  However, if representational, art should engage occupants through wholistic views with uplifting references to Black culture and history, and not solely the struggle narrative.
More information available here.