Sweet Relief COVID-19 Fund

Sweet Relief COVID-19 Fund

Website: https://www.sweetrelief.org/covid-19-fund.html

 N/A, N/A, Unknown

The world has been shocked by the devastating effects of COVID-19. We are aware of the enormous medical and financial burden that COVID-19 is having on the music community and we are actively taking steps to provide assistance where it’s needed most. Due to massive cancellations, artists are struggling to find the means to make ends meet during these unprecedented times.

Sweet Relief is here to provide immediate assistance and we have created this DONOR-DIRECTED FUND with a limited amount of funds available to be used specifically for musicians and music industry workers affected by the Coronavirus. Funds raised will go towards medical expenses, lodging, clothing, food and other vital living expenses to those impacted due to sickness or loss of work. Those wishing to apply must provide the following:
​A completed Sweet Relief Application and submit a form at the bottom of our Request Assistance page
 Supplementary documentation proving that at least 50% of all income comes from working within the music community
 Proof of cancellations and bookings and/or relevant medical documentation