Spanish Colonial Adventure Day Volunteer

Spanish Colonial Adventure Day Volunteer

Posted by Mission San Luis

Posted: Jan, 31, 2016

Volunteer Opportunity



 2100 W Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32304

On Saturday, March 14th, Mission San Luis will be having our annual Spanish Colonial Adventure Day (SCAD). This event is always a fun time, drawing in hundreds of guests to learn about Spanish Florida and participate in themed activities. The overall theme of this year is to complete the "orders" given by the Spanish governor of Florida.

There are two volunteer shifts for this day, 9:00am – 12:30pm and 12:00pm – 4:00pm. We need help with parking, greeting guests, archery, costumed interpretation, historical activities and crafts. Please let me know if you will be able to sign up for any shifts and what activities you might be interested in helping out with.