Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards


  New York, NY, 10012

The Portfolio Awards, made possible by generous individual donors and other supporters, provide 16 Gold Medal Portfolio recipients with $10,000 scholarships and 30 Silver Medal with Distinction Portfolio recipients with $1,000 scholarships.

The Scholastic Awards look for work that demonstrates originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. After you have created your work, upload it to your Scholastic Awards Account! Visit our online galleries to see examples of works from past National Medalists. Be sure to visit our copyright and plagiarism FAQ to learn more about submitting original works.

Complete your submission!
After uploading your work, print your submission form, have a parent/guardian and an educator sign it, and then send your signed submission form and payment or fee waiver to your local Affiliate. Submission form and payment instructions can be found on the submission form or on your local Affiliate’s website.

Public, private, or home-school students in the U.S., Canada, or American schools in the rest of the world enrolled in grades 7–12 (ages 13 and up) are eligible to participate in the Scholastic Awards.

Category Descriptions
For a full list of category descriptions, click HERE.