Call for Actors: Jane Killian

Call for Actors: Jane Killian

 Tallahassee, FL, Unknown


Casting a pair of short films to be shot in late Spring or Summer 2019 about a female self-defense instructor who uses her martial arts training to stand up for what is right.  Each short should run 22 minutes and take three weekends to shoot.  We are sending out this casting call well in advance of shooting because the casting of the lead is essential to determining how to prep the picture.    

EPISODE 1—Jane takes down a trio of serial rapists who wrongly think she will be an easy mark.  

EPISODE 2—Jane protects the 12-year-old boy next door from his physically abusive father. 

JANE KILLIAN—(20s-40s) single mother, trained martial artist, passionate defender of those who need her help.  A big-hearted momma bear whose desire to help people is directly linked to her unwillingness to sit by and do nothing when she sees bullying or injustice.  A barefooted free spirit and a two-fisted minister of justice rolled into one.  Martial arts, stunt training, stage combat, etc., preferred but not essential.  Submissions for this role will be sent a series of sides and asked to respond with a link of a self-tape video audition.

GEORGE, HANK, and JOE (20s-40s) a trio of sexual predators who get their kicks targeting those weaker than them.  They quickly find out that Jane is not in that category. 

FATHER (40s, big) a once-decent man who gave himself over to anger and drink when he lost his job.  Now, he’s an unrepentant monster who can only retain his self-worth by attacking others.  This plan quickly proves unsuccessful on Jane. 

MOTHER (40s) an outwardly respectable member of society who is now deeply in denial as to what her family has become.

IAN (10-13) Jane’s son, a precocious kid who loves his mother and supports her causes, but occasionally feels it’s his job to talk her down from her soapboxes.  Not only her son, but also Jane’s best friend.

MICHAEL (10-13) Jane’s neighbor, verbally and physically abused by his father.  Finds the strength to stand up to his father through Jane’s friendship and support.

Please email headshot, resume, video reel to: