Everyday Improv Class

Everyday Improv Class

Posted by Kimprovise

Posted: May, 14, 2018

Professional Development

Website: http://www.kimprovise.com


 915 Railroad Ave, Tallahassee, FL, Unknown

LIFE. You can’t script it or direct it, and you never know what’s going to happen next. This intro-level personal development class is for non-actors and other Regular Joes. We’ll play group games and learn three basic techniques of improvisational theater that build your confidence, creativity, and courage.

IMPROV is a great workout for your brain and your communication skills. Learn to think on your feet in real-life social situations—at work, at home, at parties, even in line at the grocery store. Everyday Improv is a super fun, supportive environment where you won’t be singled out. If the word improv gives you goosebumps, this class is for you! Come out and play with us!

TWO CLASSES to choose from:
SAT. JULY 28th. 12:00–1:30 p.m.
TUE. JULY 31st. 6:30–8:00 p.m.

WHERE: All Saints Culture Club, 915 Railroad Ave, Tallahassee 32310
HOW MUCH: $15 in advance ($17 at the door)
REGISTER: Go to www.kimprovise.com and follow the PayPal link for your preferred class.