Florida Division of Historical Resources Survey Grants/Small Matching Grants

Florida Division of Historical Resources Survey Grants/Small Matching Grants

Website: http://dos.myflorida.com/historical/


 Tallahassee, FL, Unknown

The Division of Historical Resources provides Small Matching grants to assist with the surveying of historic and archaeological sites. The surveys must identify and evaluate cultural resources and contribute to processes and programs to protect those resources; or prepare long-range historic preservation and management plans for historic and archaeological resources (awards up to $50,000). Survey projects work closely with the Florida Master Site File.
The Florida Master Site File (FMSF) is the State of Florida's official inventory of historical, cultural resources. Categories of resources recorded at the Site File include archaeological sites, historical structures, historical cemeteries, historical bridges and historic districts. The FMSF also maintains copies of archaeological and historical survey reports and other manuscripts relevant to history and historic preservation in Florida. The FMSF currently holds information on more than 200,000 cultural resources and copies of over 22,000 manuscripts.

All surveys must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Preservation Planning and the requirements of Chapter 1A-46, Florida Administrative Code.

The applicant must match the grant award amount (up to $50,0000) unless the proposed project will occur in a Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) county or community; or the applicant is listed as a Certified Local Government; or designated as a Florida Main Street program

All surveys must also meet the documentation requirements of the Florida Master Site File. A State Site Number must first be assigned to the resource by the FMSF. Then, a FMSF form must be filled out and submitted to the Site File in order to get the property into our inventory. There are five different forms used for different types of resources: Archaeology, Structure, Cemetery, Bridge, and Resource Group. 

Florida Master Site File staff are available to assist citizens, government agencies, and historic preservation professionals in performing searches, obtaining information from our inventory, and submitting information.

The Small Matching grant application cycle opens in the spring, and applications for a survey project must be submitted online via dosgrants.com. The process for being awarded a historic preservation grant takes about a year.


For further information, please contact:

Timothy Knoepke

Historical Preservation Grant Specialist




Florida Master Site File




Yasha Rodriguez

Historic Preservation Grants Supervisor

