CRA Call to Arts Workshops

CRA Call to Arts Workshops


 Tallahassee, FL, Unknown

Tallahassee is a hub of arts and culture, which is one of the area’s most cherished assets. Building upon this thriving sector of the community, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is seeking applications for ideas that will further enhance the arts, culture and heritage in Tallahassee. $3,000,000 in Tourist Development Tax (TDT) dollars is available to fund applications that accomplish this goal. Proposals must be submitted by public entities or non-profit organizations and meet certain guidelines, which includes being located in either the Greater Frenchtown/Southside or Downtown CRA District.

Details on how to apply may be found here.

Attendance of one of these workshops is mandatory if you are submitting a CRA grant application. The first workshop is Friday, April 6th at 2:00PM and will be held at the B. L. Perry Library on Adams St. If you can’t be there we will cover the TDC discussion which basically just presents the requirements of 125. The second workshop will be on Thursday, May 3rd at 6:00PM at the Leroy Collins Library on Park Avenue. We will evaluate the turnout after the first and second workshops to determine if a third workshop is neccesary.