Tyler Holloway

Tyler Holloway


Website: https://tylerbh2000.wixsite.com/portfolio

   2525 W Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL, 32304

Hi there, my name is Tyler Holloway!

I am a junior attending Florida State University, majoring in both Studio Art and Media Communications Studies.

Creativity is a concept that has always been central to my life with art-making being my preferred outlet for my emotions. Once I arrived at Florida State, I discovered a new interest I have: marketing.

The idea of working in the overlap between my two passions has become very appealing to me, resulting in me starting the search for work in the graphic design field. My current goal would be to earn an internship at an organization where I can assist others with creative design solutions.

In my free time, I enjoy learning languages, playing music, and petting my two dogs.