Betty Proctor

Betty Proctor



   618 McDonnell Drive, Tallahassee, FL, 32310

I am the owner of Obsessions jwwm Gift Shop which is not just a jewelry shop. It is a gift shop that caters to that need. We are a collection of locally owned businesses that offer unique and affordable gifts. We currently have four teen/kid entrepreneur businesses located in our shop, in addition to adult business owners. Amoung the kid entrepreneurs, we have Hartsfield Elementary School's Smart Heart Art Club.
Come see all of our unique products in at the House of Plywood Breezeway Market, B-3

The products we currently offer are:
* Jewelry (Materials often used are wood, wire, and metal.)
* Hair and Body products (Natural)
* T-shirts
* Ornaments (Wood and clay)
* Magnets
* Metal Artwork
* Seasonings (Hot & Spicy)
* Eclectic Clothing
* Bracelets and Quixels